Wednesday, August 04, 2004


Mr.Ghost fwded a flash version of pacman a few days back.Normally im not a gamey person, but got hooked on after trying it out once.Score shot upto 5585 in the second game.But given that im not an avid gamer I can imagine the disgusting levels most gaming freaks would have achieved till date.If any of them chance to read this post, do drop in the numbers.
And for those who haven’t tried it out yet, you cant get it from here.

The first Worl Champion Billy Mitchell, scored a perfect score of 3,333,360 .He had to eat every ghost and every fruit, and never lost a single life.And this took him almost 20 years to perfect. After declaring : "I understand the behavior of the ghosts and am able to manipulate the ghosts into any corner of the board I choose." , he spat "I never have to play that darn game again".

It turns out the ghost's movements are completely deterministic (there is no randomness in the AI). Because of this people have discovered patterns that will enable you to finish the game every time. There are actually just 3 patterns you need to get to level 17 every time.

Some Packy-Trivia

  • The name of the game derives from the Japanese onomatopoeic word paku, which is the sound of opening and closing one's mouth. The name was romanized as Puck-Man in Japan, but the spelling was changed to Pac-Man for the U.S. market by Midway for fear that the machines would be vandalized by people marking part off the 'P' to an 'F' .
  • The four monsters in the game are Shadow (Blinky), Speedy (Pinky), Bashful (Inky), and Pokey (Clyde).
  • In December 1982, an eight-year-old boy named Jeffrey R. Yee received a letter from U.S. President Ronald Reagan, congratulating him on a worldwide record of 6,131,940 points, a score only possible if the player passed through the Split-Screen Level. Whether or not this event happened as described has remained in heated debate amongst video game circles since its occurrence. Billy Mitchell offered $100,000 to anyone who could provably pass through the Split-Screen Level before January 1, 2000; no one could.
  • The secret level of the third episode of Wolfenstein 3D is fashioned after one of the original Pac-Man levels.

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