Till the new campus gets built.
As everyone already knew...im an amazing packer.It took me precisely 10 minutes to sort, shred and pack every single paper I had ever printed, every single handout, mail, salary slip , blah.
Everyone else had packed their belongings atleast a day in advance.
Pshaw!! whats the fun in that.Theres definitely no adrenaline rush without last minute panic.
Videos from our lucknow offsite were out.S and D's snake dance was a scandalous hit.
Except for rexy no one else has been allowed to make copies.
Winters have slowly crept in...mornings are deliciously chilly.
2 years ago few friends and I had gone for a dalhousie-chamba-khajjiar trek.Spanning over 5 days, dec25 onwards, temp at night 2 degs below zero.
Your toes start going numb inspite of snow boots, and two pairs of woolen socks.
And every part of ur exposed flesh singes from the icy wind.
And only then can you appreciate the 5am royal blue sky with the sun bleeding in, throwing pink shadows across the vanilla peaks.
Cos you know the price your paying for it.
Cos you know you wouldn get this anywhere else.
Feel like starting the usual year end badgerings for 'lets go for a trip/treck'.
But 4 out of the 8 usual suspects are struck down with the marriage fever.
Gangotri seems like as distant a plan as its always been over the last few years.
Very few people get to enjoy it.
With their dslrs.
Peak Bhagirati
For more check out Kirat rawan's Photo Page.
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