Wednesday, March 23, 2005

The league of Almighty Dads

An earlier post which somehow i left in the draft bin.

Fathers are the bestest people to talk to.They have seen the world from a whole different angle from the mothers,will offer some of the most practical advices .They will love you a lot, appreciate everything about you and will be perhaps the only man on earth who will appreciate your wholesome existence.

And so , whenever my mind is full of issues with a zillion angles, and I feel my peers are no longer capable of providing any value addition to my thought process, i want to talk it out with dad.The only hitch is, its not my dad but rexy's.
Another thing i forgot to mention about the amazing clan of dad's is that they get wildly worked up about everything related to their own daughters.
So if i pick up the phone and say "kamon acho" with a nano-speck-less enthu my dad gets all worked up.
"Are you ok",
" is your health all right",
"are you eating well",
"are you having enough fruits",
"are you resting enuf"
(baba, i started playing tennis)
"dont exert yourself!"

An exteremly excited "baba im going on a trek with friends" gets translated to "baba im fed up with life and am trying my best to cause maximum injuries to myself " for my dad.

To cut a long story short, he freaks out about everything. I dont blame him ... maybe i will too when I have kids of my own. But in case of rexy's dad its just perfect.the only grown up around with whom I can have these zillion discussions and not freak him out.
Some of the really amazing advices iv been given by both mine and her pop :

1)to know a person observe his small gestures, not the big acts.
2)a value system will be more about well being, about being playful, about being healthy in all aspects.Dont narrow it down to tiny focal points and loose your perspective.

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